Greetings Beachmasters and Families!
An ombudsman is an official representative of the commanding officer that serves as an information link between command leadership and Navy families. We serve as a point of contact for all service members and family members attached to BMU-2.
As an ombudsman, we help the commanding officer gain insight on the issues and concerns of family members. We communicate information both up and down the chain of command, including official Department of the Navy and command information. We can provide resource referrals when needed that are instrumental in resolving family issues before the issues require extensive command attention, i.e., child care, counseling, financial assistance. We meet and keep in communication during deployment with the commanding officer, executive officer, and command senior enlisted leader to find out the latest news, and pass it on to families.
The Ombudsman Code of Ethics is the essential foundation upon which an ombudsman’s credibility is established and maintained. As an ombudsman, we must remain committed to strict adherence to this code, ombudsman shall:
Support the command’s mission
Work within the chain of command as directed
Maintain confidentiality
Maintain the highest standards of professionalism in all situations
We act as an advocate for the command families using knowledge of the system, and can help access the appropriate level of the chain of command for intervention and forward suitable requests or grievances while maintaining complete confidentiality. We can expedite emergency situations to the command, while waiting for American Red Cross messages to go through.
Below are a few examples of when to call an ombudsman:
Resource and referral
Red Cross messages
Death in the family
Financial matters
At-risk pregnancy
Point of contact during crisis or disaster If you are new to the command – we welcome you aboard!
Please contact us so that we can add you to the ombudsman recall roster. This will enable you and your families to receive command updates and information during times of deployment. If you have been aboard for a while and you are not receiving information from us via email, we ask that you contact us so we can update our records.
We hope you enjoy your tour with Beachmaster Unit (BMU) 2. If we can ever be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to reach out at
BMU-2 Ombudsman