TACRON 21 deploys detachments to provide centralized planning, control, coordination and integration of air operations in support of amphibious operations, training and transits. The scope of which includes U.S Navy and Marine Corps aviation elements assigned to expeditionary and amphibious forces and supporting aviation assets from joint or multi-nationals sources. This mission can occur afloat or on land, in a permissive or non-permissive environment.
TACRON 21 will be the premier squadron to supply quality Sailors to amphibious ships to plan, prepare and provide tactical air control for U.S and allied partners. Additionally, we will be prepared to provide immediate augmentation for control on land in both a permissive and non-permissive environments, being self-sustainable for 5 days.
Commander's Guidance
To sustain excellence, we must continuously challenge ourselves and use the three R’s – be respectful, be ready and be relevant.
1. Be RESPECTFUL - Be respectful to others and demand respect from them. Respect will flow both up and down the chain of command. Do not accept disrespect towards you or one of your shipmates. Additionally, be respectful to yourself.
2. Be READY - Be ready to go at a moment's notice. This cannot be over-emphasized with today's pandemic and our timing for deployment. Have your affairs in order and a bag packed, as we could all quickly find ourselves down range. This could be for a routine patrol, helping with a natural disaster or it could involve placing ourselves in harm's way. We must be prepared to fight at all times, both physically and mentally.
3. Be RELEVANT - Know your job and know your equipment. Being an expert on what your job used to be does nothing. Times change, jobs change and equipment changes. You are the expert in your field on your equipment. Be that expert.