U.S. 2nd Fleet Hosts Third Annual Theater Undersea Warfare Symposium
01 March 2024
NORFOLK, Va. -- U.S. 2nd Fleet hosted the third annual Theater Undersea Warfare Symposium at Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads, Feb. 29, 2024.
The symposium aims to provide clear commander’s intent, synchronize operational perspectives and expectations, and establish requirements for command and control to present a ready and credible force in response to adversary operations in Atlantic maritime avenues of approach.
Vice Adm. Doug Perry, commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet, opened the symposium by discussing the battle space in the Atlantic Ocean and the importance of collaboration across platforms.
“Homeland deterrence is our top priority and it is imperative that we maintain our forward presence in the Atlantic,” Adm. Perry stated. “We must continue to leverage every participant’s individual expertise across undersea warfare communities to overcome barriers and strengthen our community and mission as a whole”.
He discussed that while the United States recognizes the right of nations to exercise freedom of navigation around the world, the U.S. Navy and in particular U.S. 2nd Fleet, must remain vigilant for competitor actions, which may be unpredictable and complex.
Perry continued by stating the importance of integrating air, surface, submarine, and other underwater capabilities in the next generation of undersea warfare and encouraged robust engagement among subject matter experts.
“This symposium will empower you to communicate, innovate, and create best practices for undersea warfare,” Adm. Perry expressed. “Training opportunities like this symposium allow each participant to bring their best ideas forward and are paramount to our ability to maintain superiority in the undersea domain. Antisubmarine warfare is the only DoD mission area that is owned completely by the Navy.”
Rear Adm. Martin Muckian, commander, Submarine Group TWO and deputy commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet, closed the symposium with his remarks highlighting the goals of the day.
“The lesson to take away from today’s symposium is that our ability to collaborate and interoperate with our allies and partners sets us apart from our adversaries,” stated Rear Adm. Muckian. “This advantage is built on trust and our alliance has never been stronger with fellow NATO countries. Your work here contributes to improved readiness, responsiveness and proficiency to maximize situational awareness and engage any threat at our timing and tempo."
U.S. 2nd Fleet, reestablished in 2018 in response to the changing global security environment, employs maritime forces ready to fight across multiple domains in the Atlantic and Arctic in order to ensure access, deter aggression and defend U.S., allied, and partner interests.
For more information about U.S. 2nd Fleet, visit https://www.c2f.usff.navy.mil/.