Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Centre of Excellence Hosts 6th Annual Maritime Security Regimes Round Table
04 November 2021
NORFOLK, Va. (Nov. 3, 2021) -- Combined Joint Operations from the Sea, Centre of Excellence (CJOS COE), hosted their 6th annual Maritime Security Regimes Round Table virtually, Nov. 3 - 4.
This year’s theme was “Challenges and Threats in Global Maritime Security.” Over the course of the event, the topics discussed included geographic hotspots, including the Arctic, emerging maritime challenges, and how technological and procedural improvements can be harnessed to address these challenges.
Vice Adm. Daniel Dwyer, Director, CJOS COE, expressed his pride in the great work being done collectively, even during the current COVID-19 pandemic and challenges associated with it.
“The Maritime Security Regimes Roundtable is one of CJOS COE’s marquee annual events that has grown steadily over the years,” said Dwyer. “It has become a premiere forum for bringing stakeholders together to address challenges and improve collective maritime security. This is my first year having the opportunity to participate in the Maritime Security Regimes Roundtable and although we had envisioned an in-person event, I have no doubt that the online format will be just as engaging as it has been in person in years past.”
As well as opening comments from NATO’s Allied Maritime Commander, Vice Admiral Keith Blount, leaders from current at-sea operations to include Operation ATALANTA and Operation IRINI highlighted operations and current maritime efforts.
The 2021 Maritime Security Regimes Round Table workshop was held in ‘real time,’ which employed a moderated panel format to facilitate open discussion. This year there were four panels, each of which was organized into groups of speakers who made their presentations virtually. After concluding, online audience members had the chance to conduct live ‘Q&A’ with panel members via on-line chat.
During and throughout the struggles of the pandemic, Dwyer said that it is encouraging to participate in this forum that has adapted and overcome the obstacles associated with it by facilitating the exchange of ideas and strengthening connections worldwide.
Deputy Director Commodore Tom Guy was delighted with the range of participants from defense, academia and industry, from across the globe, and noted that the discussions had been really valuable. “It is our intention to use these kinds of events to drive tangible change and improvement through connecting the right people and engaging with challenging issues; the past two days of discussions have done just that.” He noted that he was very grateful to Old Dominion University for the use of their ‘Innovation Hub’ to host the event, and the support and participation of their partner COEs, the Centre for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters, the Maritime Security Center of Excellence, and the NATO Maritime Interdiction Operations Training Centre.
CJOS COE was established in May 2006 and represents 12 nations. CJOS is one of 28 NATO accredited centres worldwide, and the only NATO Centre of Excellence in the U.S., representing a collective wealth of international experience, expertise and best practices in warfare in the maritime domain.
For more information on CJOS COE, please visit